Board of Education Member Manual


Chapter I: School Board Member's Role and Fiduciary Responsibilities

Chapter II: School Board Governance

Chapter III: School Board Effectiveness

Chapter IV: School Board Member Communications

Chapter V: Board of Education Meetings

Chapter VI: West Virginia System of Support and Accountability

Chapter VI: West Virginia System of Support and Accountability

Chapter VIII: Positive Professional Working Relationship With Your Superintendent

Chapter IX: School Personnel

Chapter X: School Finance

Chapter XI: School Facilities

Chapter XII: Student Discipline

Chapter XIII: Student Enrollment and Attendance

Chapter XIV: Strategic Planning

Chapter XV: School Calendar

Chapter XVI: Faculty Senates

Chapter XVII: Local School Improvement Council

Chapter XVIII: School Safety

Chapter XIX: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504 Under the Rehabilitation Act

Chapter XX: Athletics

Chapter XXI: District Policies

Chapter XXI: District Policies

Chapter XXIII: Charter Schools

Chapter XXIV: Legislative Session Reports

Chapter XXIV: Legislative Session Reports