Chapter XXIV: Hope Scholarship
The Hope Scholarship program offers qualifying West Virginia’s K-12 students an opportunity to build an individual learning experience that works best for their child. The scholarship allows K-12 students to receive financial assistance that can be used for tuition, homeschool curriculum, and other qualifying expenses. West Virginia’s Hope Scholarship Program is one of the most expansive Education Savings Account ( ESA)s in the country.
ESAs are funded at 100 percent of the state’s per-pupil funding, absent administrative expenses. The ESA empowers families with the freedom and flexibility to customize their child’s education and the program’s rollover provision allows them to save for future educational expenses.
Administration of the Hope Scholarship Program is overseen by a nine-member board comprising state cabinet members, education leaders, as well as governor appointees. This administrative structure should give ESA families a voice to ensure that the program is run effectively. The program generally avoids counterproductive regulations.